The reality of the redemptive process never really is absent or unavailable to people as long as they live. People have beauty, creativity, wonderfulness about them, even in their darkest moments. This is what is so worthy of love - the intrinsic person.
I will never believe that there is a single person on the face of the earth who is beyond redemption or unworthy of love. The minute people declare another person unworthy, they sink themselves.
We are only allowed to look at ourselves in the great reflection of the divine and personal God, seeing our own self as unworthy, and seeing other people as very, very precious. Then, we learn about how we are precious in a believable way, whereas the way of denigrating others only harms ourselves.
The Sonata is missed, unheard under the cacaphony of self-righteous banter about Other People's sins and how Those People ruin decent society. What is not seen is the absolute incredible beauty of people. They are so delightful, so full of gifts. It is a wonderful thing to connect with this wonderfulness, and you miss it when you get on the blame train.
A Sonata is a musical work with various movements, each with a different mood and tempo. Sonatas are played by a group of people cooperating together to bring these moods and tempos into reality to be shared by them and the people they are playing for. Playing a sonata is a tribute and appreciation of the creator of such beautiful music.
Here, I will stop, quietly, gently, leaving each person to dream of a sonata they play with others, especially those that are rejected. I think it very likely that those who accept and love the rejected are rewarded with a deeply beautiful experience of the other, and find themselves loved and not rejected.
- Auriel Ragmon
The reality of the redemptive process never really is absent or unavailable to people as long as they live. People have beauty, creativity, wonderfulness about them, even in their darkest moments. This is what is so worthy of love - the intrinsic person.
I will never believe that there is a single person on the face of the earth who is beyond redemption or unworthy of love. The minute people declare another person unworthy, they sink themselves.
We are only allowed to look at ourselves in the great reflection of the divine and personal God, seeing our own self as unworthy, and seeing other people as very, very precious. Then, we learn about how we are precious in a believable way, whereas the way of denigrating others only harms ourselves.
The Sonata is missed, unheard under the cacaphony of self-righteous banter about Other People's sins and how Those People ruin decent society. What is not seen is the absolute incredible beauty of people. They are so delightful, so full of gifts. It is a wonderful thing to connect with this wonderfulness, and you miss it when you get on the blame train.
A Sonata is a musical work with various movements, each with a different mood and tempo. Sonatas are played by a group of people cooperating together to bring these moods and tempos into reality to be shared by them and the people they are playing for. Playing a sonata is a tribute and appreciation of the creator of such beautiful music.
Here, I will stop, quietly, gently, leaving each person to dream of a sonata they play with others, especially those that are rejected. I think it very likely that those who accept and love the rejected are rewarded with a deeply beautiful experience of the other, and find themselves loved and not rejected.
- Auriel Ragmon
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