The Real Life Adventures of Auriel Ragmon

This and that about the donkeys, fictional characters and what they think, various writings.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Although China continues to buy America, the Morgans are going to blithely drive to Oregon where they will drop off two very large donkeys for training. Two months later, voila, the fellas will know all about riding, and we can go for our very first donkey ride on our very own donkeys!

This summer, I expect we will be pulling logs around for a neighbor and for ourselves. Quite useful and very fun.

Vera says she wants to go for a ride at the beach, but Gerald isn't sure it's a good idea until the fellas have gone around the block a few times. And wouldn't it be waaaay fun to ride half-way to work (and bike the rest)? Stay tuned...

- Auriel Ragmon

Monday, March 06, 2006


The US is extending the debt ceiling and staving off the big crunch with government pension funds? I'm no economist or business person, but this doesn't look very good... Wonder where it's all going?

What happened to the promise Reagan made in 1984 that he and fellow Republicans would balance the budget? Ah, yes, I remember it well! Something like: If ordinary American households had to balance their budgets, why shouldn't the government balance it's budget as well? It was a great sell, and a great lie, yes?

Isn't it interesting that the promise to reduce government and get rid of waste and fraud resulted in ever greater public debt? Who got all that money?

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What are we going to do when we wake up and find that our country is owned by China? Gerald was asking Vera this very thing the other day.

- Auriel Ragmon