The Real Life Adventures of Auriel Ragmon

This and that about the donkeys, fictional characters and what they think, various writings.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Donkey weekend upcoming

Greetings, animule lovers!

The Morgans are going to Creswell, Oregon to have a ride on their very own donkeys, Trooper and Abe. The saddle came! Hilason treeless, very nice. If this saddle works out this weekend, we will buy another saddle and then we can go riding together! What a concept! Pictures posted next week.

On another note, Auriel Ragmon will be turning 50 this year and is using that as a grand excuse to host the Auriel Ragmon Radio Hour at the local grange hall! We don't have a radio, but we will record it and run it just like a radio hour. We can make a cd out of it and even maybe podcast!

Music! Comedy! Fun! Auriel is hoping many people will come. More on this soon, but it will (almost certainly) be the Sunday afternoon/evening following September 2, 2006.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Sophia stopped by to wish Vera, Uncle Harold, Gerald, and all the cats a Happy and Wonderful Pascha!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Vera was thinking about being the most fabulous swing clarinetist in the world, plus the most famous author since Dostoevsky, plus a world class recluse.

Gerald says that doesn't make any sense. Why would you be a fabulous world class famous recluse?

Vera was thinking it would be very, very nice to be able to just think about anything whenever she wanted. Thinking is like food, like air! Breathe thinking!

The clarinet is good because it vibrates your brain and the music is so pleasurable. The writing helps untangle all the nonsense that wafts by.

This was making Gerald hungry, so he turned around, went into the kitchen, and started to make waffles. The smell of Gerald's waffles was making Vera intensely hungry, so she gave up on being a world class fabulous famous recluse, for the moment, in favor of eats.

There was Brillig on the screen door again.

Brillig! You'll tear up the screen! Down you naughty cat! Here, have a piece of my waffle!

Dear Reader, if you were hoping for sensible nonfiction all the time, you're out of luck! Borogrove, here kitty!

Friday, April 14, 2006

What did the baby donkey say to the mamma donkey?

Hee Haw, what did you expect? I don't have a talking donkey!

- Uncle Harold (who is related to Vera)

Monday, April 10, 2006

So how much fun is it to ride your very own 16 hand donkey for the very first time? Way fun!!!! And why is the donkey so huge? We don't know! He grew and grew and grew and grew! We need to measure him officially, so I will let you know if Abe is truly 16 hands. His back is about at the top of my eyeglasses, and I'm 5' 7".

Thanks to a marvelous trainer, Lori Forge of Daystar Farms in Creswell Oregon, we aren't petrified at what to do next! The fellas, Abe and Trooper, have been with Lori for about a month into a two-month training period. And they are sooooo cute with saddles on! And it is so much fun to watch them learn that no, you can't get away with pulling backwards when being ponied! It looks like they are having a lot of fun.

The fellas remembered Daystar Farms from their month of training last October. They happily settled right in when we arrived.

It is a little nuts to go buy baby donkeys and then try to make the transition to rideable animules. Might have been more rationale to get older, experienced, trained donkeys. But the baby donkeys are soooo cute! And anyway, they like us now that we've raised them. We think donkeys will be safer for us to ride as we are getting older!

It saved us to find Lori Forge and Daystar Farms. We may be rash, but we're not crazy! Large animals need manners!

So I get to go trail riding perhaps by my 50th birthday?

I do need to get some photos up on this site. Next saturday, we return to Daystar Farms to have another ride and a lesson. We will be sure to bring the camera and post some photos. Too fun.