The Real Life Adventures of Auriel Ragmon

This and that about the donkeys, fictional characters and what they think, various writings.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Alan Alda and the Good Life

Today Alan Alda spoke on the radio of what he found to be important in life after a near-death experience.

He said that after he nearly died, but found himself alive, he felt euphoric, saw colors and details much more vividly and wanted to keep that feeling going.

He said he thought about what meant something to him now. And it turns out not to be accomplishments so much as the meaningful, memorable interactions with people that can happen on any day.

When someone gives you gentle advice. When someone shows you how to do something, and cares for you. When you laugh.

He says that when people laugh, they are totally defenseless and they can let their guard down. I'll have to think about that. It's fun to make people laugh, and I bet I couldn't be irritated at someone if I could make them laugh.

Maybe that's a more valuable "business" strategy than any of the others I have been trying to study up on to be more successful at work.

I think I shall try that for awhile. Mr. Alda also said his formula for being happy about his work was that he wanted to act in good shows with good actors with an audience that got it, and that if he could make a living, that would be a very good life. The money wasn't the goal. I so like that, and I think that is part of what makes Alan Alda so charismatic. It isn't about the money, it's about life and people in a caring way.

Thank you, Mr. Alda, I so much would like to be more like you!


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Geese Fly Over

Today the geese flew over at dusk, honking along. Fun to sit on the back step with the dog and watch the day fade. This is my favorite time of day. Not anything to do or take care of, just that pause before the evening after the chores are done.

I was reminded last evening of how fun it is to sit around someone else's living room and visit. Nice times. The kids running in and out, the dog bouncing around, so excited to have visitors.

Catching up with the news, telling our stories, having comfort that you aren't the only one who is having a tough time at work!

A bit of tea and then time to go. We must do this again soon, and lets not wait. You can come to my house!

Go see your friends! For no particular reason! You know, the kids do that all the time, for fun, as part of their life, but the adults get a bit busy and careworn and forget to make time or effort.

It was great. More!

Take Care,


Sunday, September 02, 2007

Bon Anniversaire

Happy Birthday to me!

Here is your birthday present:

I've never seen a grunion run
I never hope to see one
But if I saw one anyhow
I'd rather see than be one!

This is funnier if you happen to know that it's difficult to get to see a grunion run, and there have been skeptics who don't think they exist. But they do! And I tried to see the grunion run! And I didn't see it! So much for hanging around on the beach in the middle of the night (many long years ago).

See the link for real information (the grunion are running, the grunion are running).