The Real Life Adventures of Auriel Ragmon

This and that about the donkeys, fictional characters and what they think, various writings.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Old Friends, New Friends Singing

Today we had the most wonderful choir rehearsal. It's been about two years since I last directed a choir. We are all so happy about being together again. It's almost like we never left off, although some of us aren't here who used to be here.

All the past choir members are held closely to heart, wherever they are. They sing with us in our hearts and minds, like the choirs of the angels. I can't help it, that's just what I think.

I think our choir singing will echo through the ages, and that all who have sung before us echo in us.

My line is the same as ever - Be on time! But with a smile...

Hug someone, cheer someone up, Christmas is coming!
