The Real Life Adventures of Auriel Ragmon

This and that about the donkeys, fictional characters and what they think, various writings.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

At Long Last

Dear Patient Reader,

I have been over many hills since the last time I wrote. Abe, our beloved donkey, passed away from a neurological illness that comes from possums. We were devestated.

Today I heard an account about immigrant women who have married men who are U.S. Citizens, and then apply for citizenship, a normal and expected occurrence.

But for some women, something horrible happens. If their husband dies before they have been married for two years, and their paperwork hasn't been cleared yet, the U.S. government deports them without recourse, even when they have children who are citizens (having married a U.S. citizen).

So imagine you lost your spouse in a car accident, you show up for your citizenship interview, and you are taken to jail in shackles! I am horrified by this.

I was even more disturbed by the news that the law that passed having to do with "Real ID" gave the government the permission to deport people without having to explain why and without the right of appeal. We are in dark times.

Real ID gave the states until May 2008 to comply with issuing the "National Identity Card" driver's license. Too many civil rights evaporated too fast.

Well that was a cheery post! In other news, the Pacific Northwest greeted spring with a dash of snow!

Take care,
