Donkey weekend upcoming
Greetings, animule lovers!
The Morgans are going to Creswell, Oregon to have a ride on their very own donkeys, Trooper and Abe. The saddle came! Hilason treeless, very nice. If this saddle works out this weekend, we will buy another saddle and then we can go riding together! What a concept! Pictures posted next week.
On another note, Auriel Ragmon will be turning 50 this year and is using that as a grand excuse to host the Auriel Ragmon Radio Hour at the local grange hall! We don't have a radio, but we will record it and run it just like a radio hour. We can make a cd out of it and even maybe podcast!
Music! Comedy! Fun! Auriel is hoping many people will come. More on this soon, but it will (almost certainly) be the Sunday afternoon/evening following September 2, 2006.
The Morgans are going to Creswell, Oregon to have a ride on their very own donkeys, Trooper and Abe. The saddle came! Hilason treeless, very nice. If this saddle works out this weekend, we will buy another saddle and then we can go riding together! What a concept! Pictures posted next week.
On another note, Auriel Ragmon will be turning 50 this year and is using that as a grand excuse to host the Auriel Ragmon Radio Hour at the local grange hall! We don't have a radio, but we will record it and run it just like a radio hour. We can make a cd out of it and even maybe podcast!
Music! Comedy! Fun! Auriel is hoping many people will come. More on this soon, but it will (almost certainly) be the Sunday afternoon/evening following September 2, 2006.