The Real Life Adventures of Auriel Ragmon

This and that about the donkeys, fictional characters and what they think, various writings.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Spirits of Iron by Artist Dan Klennert

Wonderful of you to stop by, I am out in the county where nobody sits on anybody's porch.

If you happen to go to Mount Rainier via Elbe, you will inevitably pass a sight that will cause you to stop your car by the side of the road and get your camera out.

At some point, you may notice a sign on the fence that says you are WELCOME to use the visitor parking lot!

And that parking by the side of the road is somewhat dangerous!

You did that because you didn't realize this was a gallery that is open to the public. Fantastic!

Here are some photos.

A giraffe made of driftwood

Have a happy! I am!

Your neighbor and friend,


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Coming soon to a blog near you...

Dear Reader,

Our computer went kaput for a time, so I didn't have a chance to tell you stories and show you pictures last week. I plan to catch up this week sometime, stay tuned...

In the meantime, why don't you tell me something interesting? I'd love to hear from you all.



Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's a beautiful world!

You really ought to get out more, it's a beautiful world.

We were in Mount Rainier National Park at the Kautz Creek Trail. This is the first trail parking area after you enter at the Nisqually entrance. Here is a link to a map showing where we were:

Start at the bottom of the map and go up the road from the Nisqually entrance to find it. We made it up the trail about a mile and a half, where the trail crosses the stream.

There is a nifty log bridge with a handrail for the intrepid. On the other side, though, the trail is somewhat hard to make out, as the bridge ends at a huge pile of boulders. I'm sure it would've been quite fun to clambor over them and continue, but we didn't have time.

This trail continues on to the Wonderland Trail.

Here is a stone figure warning us not to continue over treacherous terrain!

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Illusionist

Did you ever go to a movie, thinking it might be interesting, and come away in awe? We went to see The Illusionist last night. A magician, a duchess, the crown prince, and the chief inspector are the main characters. I dare not tell you more, you will have to go see it. Masterful.

It isn't Sherlock Holmes, and yet it has elements that will be familiar. The story is set in a time when horse carriages are in use and Austria is ruled by an emporer. There is a chief inspector and an investigation. And there are questions of character.

There, I have told you something about the movie without details. Now go see for yourself!

- Auriel

Monday, September 04, 2006

Riding Trooper

Yes, it is fun! Here are the fellas out for a walk on the Chehalis Western Trail. Trooper and I went for a little ride, just for practice. Now you go out and have some fun!

- Auriel

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The Lady Washington Home Page

The Lady Washington Home Page

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Harbor Days in Olympia!

The Lady Washington in Olympia, Washington

Well, we got up early for breakfast at Budd Bay Cafe in Olympia, WA so we could go see the Lady Washington. This is a sailing ship like you would see in the 1800's. She's been in a number of movies. The most recent is Pirates of the Caribbean. I asked if she would show up in the third movie, but alas, she was the "Interceptor" and was "blown up" in the first movie. Still, I wished I could have met Johnny Depp!

Johnny Depp is an amazing actor. I rented the movie "Secret Window" after I saw part of it on TV last week. I normally do NOT go for horror films of the Stephen King genre, but this was just too fascinating. It's the kind of movie you have to watch twice, because the twist at the end changes everything. Sooo well done.

I had a few opinions about the film in the consistency department, but the story was so cool, and Johnny Depp so wonderful, along with John Turturro (from "O Brother Where Art Thou") that I'll just cast the nit-picking aside. Do be prepared for three bloody horror scenes.

My favorite line is "You stole my story!" This is pronounced in a southern accent as only John Turtorro can deliver. I badly want to be able to say "You stole my story!" to friends that have SEEN this movie, so you all now have to go watch it. Just look away from the horror parts. Ok, maybe I'll have to read the book!

I love twisty ambiguity. Edgar Alan Poe was good at this. According to an essay he wrote about his method, he first thinks of the effects on readers he wishes to achieve, and then builds the story and effects around that. I have a copy of the essay. More on that in a future blog. Once upon a midnight dreary...

Tugboats at Olympia Harbor Days

As we sail away into the sunset, we pause to watch the Puget Sound Pirates fire off a cannon in salute to the Lady Washington! Ahoy there!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Donkey Riding!!!!

Trooper and I went for another walk along the Chehalis Western Trail, to get him used to bikes and skateboards and people and dogs and horses. He did very well, all dressed up in his saddle and an empty saddle pack bag on his back. We got back in plenty of time, so I thought I'd dress him up with his riding bridle and bit.

Well, here I was with a donkey all dressed up for riding. At the trainer's we had ridden around a barn in circles, partly on a rural road, so I thought it would be pretty easy to ride around in a circle in this parking lot. This particular location even has a mounting ramp (soooo handy!), so I didn't have to mount from the ground.

So we did it! I had my first solo ride on Trooper! Just in time for Birthday #50. Sweetest birthday present ever. And let me tell you, riding the donkey is tons more fun than walking really fast next to the donkey and telling him to please slow down!

I am so proud of Trooper I could just bust. Thank you, Trooper! Trail ho! Trooper is only 3 1/2, so he only gets light occasional rides. Next spring, though, with this level of competence, we can really go on a trail ride. So nice.

I hope you do something nice for yourself. It's really worth it.

- Auriel