So long, Nudder, and thanks for everything!

Ok, this is the teary-eyed me, so happy that we found our lonely llama a nice home with another llama, so sad to see him leave me.
I couldn't really let him live alone in a very small pasture after his buddy had passed on to that great llama meadow in the sky. He looked pretty sad.
When we dropped him off today, he was so curious about everything. He looked so pleased. Nudder got to chase goats and wander around acres of pasture. He is getting to know the other llama, Charlie Brown.
The people that adopted him are very nice, and I know he'll do well there. So yay for Nudder!
But I am a bit weepy, because I love Nudder and I loved opening the back door and having him poke his head into the house to look around. I think he wanted to be a livingroom llama!
We could have gotten him a new pal, but I am aware that his pasture is just really small and he has been there a long time. Time for a nice change with new friends. It was really, really fun to watch him with the goats!
And the really nice thing is that we met new people and they have invited us to come over sometimes to visit!
Now isn't that nice!
Ok, when you downsize by finding a home for your llama, don't play with the goats very much, because they are affectionate and fun. Hmmmm, goats!
Maybe we'll wait on that. I think the donkeys want attention, and we are having a great time. Have a happy llama life with your new llama buddy, Nudder, and we'll see you!
Hugs to all, Auriel